Saturday, 15 November 2008

Scrapping December...

I found myself preparing for this today by buying an 8x8 scrapbook in red. I decorated the cover using some Basic Grey Buttons (Hannahs idea) and a bit of dimensional paint. I did find myself looking at the calendar today though and wondering how i'll get it all done as December is going to be so busy! I suppose that will mean that there is plenty to put into it!!!
Got much of my pressie wrapping done last weekend, and have made most of the cards i'm going to, so now i can get back to scrapping again, which seem to have abandoned a little recently.


sue-bubbles said...

I adore this buttony beauty!!!
Sue x

Anonymous said...

Oh wow that's gorgeous, I love how you've used the buttons to decorate it what a clever idea. I've used a plain 8x8 one too and decorate it, there's pictures on my blog if you fancy a quick looksie!

Emma XXX

Hi it's Maria said...

WOW another stunning piece of work Ann, great use of buttons., well done

Maria xx