Sunday, 28 December 2008

Christmas Eve/Day pages

Went away from the trad colours for my Christmas Eve page, had written my journalling in rough on the day and had the idea for the photo , so this didn't take too long.

I decided to make a double LO for the big day, as i had lots to include, and a few photos i wanted to use.
The title is flocked, so has a lovely touchy feely nature to it!

Only thing is that there are no photos of Kev and me!


Hi it's Maria said...

Lovely pages again Ann, why is it we always forget to take photos of ourselves, (saying that I hate having my photo taken, lol).

Looks like you had a lovely Christmas Day.

Maria x

a little bit of me........ said...

lovely Lo's Ann and great memories to share in years to come, I love the sound of your Christmas!