A tall order i thought until i found this photo. Now it's not the photo that is funny, but the memory it evokes. On reading the journalling the whole family fell about laughing remembering this moment, even Hannah. And for me that is what scrapbooking is all about, recording those times in our lives both of major importance, and those small thing that just evoke emotion within us.
I used DCWV cardstock, paint dabbers, Amy Butler Lotus pat
terend paper (K&Co), doodlebug sticky letters and flocking powder, Banana Frog alphabet stamp (Pharmacy) and a MM journalling page.

Harry has been researching lives of important Victorians, and has found out about Brunel. He needs a costume too, so Kev has started on the task of making him an enormous top hat!! We are also looking into the history of my Great Grandmother who was born in Victorias reign, and was an important early member of the Labour party in the North east of England.
Happy Good friday, we are having a lazy day here, MUST tidy up tomorrow though for easter visitors! (not the bunny!)
Great LO, love the photo too, and totally with you about the impact of journalling.
i love this LO ann and your journaling i always admire, i totally agree this is the whole purpose of scrapping,
jenni x
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