The kids also made cards for their Dad, Harry's was this interactive one, with googly eyes and moving eyes!! Mine (at the top of the post) is a bit staid in comparison!
We might be going out for tea tonight, it depends what time Kev gets home. Ta
ke That are on in concert at the Ricoh arena, which is less that a mile from our house... if we can negotiate the traffic (heading in the opposite direction!) then i won't have to cook! Much as i like Take that, I'm not looking forward to the next 3 nights of gridlock outside the house, as over 110,000 people try to get to the stadium.

Worked my first full day today, morning was good, my old classes were pleased to see me, and we did some practical science. Afternoon less so, some very poor behaviour to deal with again... but i feel I'm making progress. Back in on Wednesday, I'll crack the Year 8 group then!
The cake is a work of art, the cards are fab..hope he makes it home sooner rather than later; happy returns!
Hi Ann
Glad to hear your day went well.
Love your card (and Harry's) and Hannah's cake. What a creative family!
yum love the cake and cards, et your hubby loved them
sorry about all the traffic ann-that may well have been me -as i went to see Take That twice this week !!
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