Saturday, 20 March 2010

A kid free weekend (almost)

As Harry has been camping with the scouts this weekend, Katie has only just returned from a school trip to Hertfordshire, and Hannah has been out doing her own thing, we had most of the day alone today... and it was really odd!!! Now we are well and truly middle aged I suppose the empty nest is only to be expected.

I had a crop already booked, so poor old Kev was abandoned this afternoon, but i did make a page for the challenge my team is setting on UKScrappers in April.

Here is a LO i made for this months House challenge on UKS, the theme was friendship, and i had to scraplift a LO. I used DCWV Green stack for the page, and the photo was taken last year at Cerne Abbas in Dorset. I love the way Kev and Harry are both sitting in an identical fashion. We took the photo as part of the long running joke about badgers (Much to Kevs disgust!), but I am pleased with the way the page has turned out.
Another crop tomorrow, must catch up with my prompts for Shimelles class, I have only done one so far, might get 2 done tomorrow.


SusieJ said...

What fab papers Ann and a great LO. You get used to the empty nest after a while and it feels odd to have them back in the house.
Sue xx

scrappyjacky said...

What a great everything about it.