Ten Autumn Photos.....

October birthday

Garden colour

Apple picking 2008

In the garden 2007

Japanese maple leaves


Another October birthday

Pumpkin Carving by Katie

Autumn in the Lakes

.....and if you like my 10 on the tenth then pop over to Shimelle's blog to see the links to lots of others.
lovely photos Ann, I'm spilt between Spring and Autumn although with the weather we've been having this week, I'd have to say Spring. Looking forward to crisp autumn days where we can play in the woods though!
autumn has always been my favourite season, I love the colours and the cooler nights
Some superb photo there. I love Autumn definitely my favourite season.
Super photos! Even though it's getting darker in the evenings, I love Autumn. Thank you for your comment on my blog x
I love Autumn - but it has to be dry and crisp so that the fallen leaves crunch. I also love Winter - but only when there's snow and blue skies and a roaring fire to come home to. I quite like Spring - when the wind is blowing the daffodils about and Summer is pretty good - especially by the seaside!
Love your photography, especially the portraits!
I love Autumn, I am an autumn baby and this "...Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness" gives me great joy. Mind you I am pretty keen on Spring and Summer and Winter too but the softening of the light and the slightly weary appearance of the hedgerows is my time.
Lovely photographs.
Autumn is my favourite....no contest!
Love all these shots, but 'apple picking' is my favourite.
I love autumn too, because I love gathering blackberries, apples, and chestnuts, and I like halloween and fireworks night!
Unsurprisingly I like your apple picking and pumpkin carving photos best! They're all great though, fab idea for 10 things. x
You take gorgeous photo's Ann, I am inspired to do better!
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