Sunday, 24 June 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy

It's that time of the year when you don't see many teachers at all.  Reports, assessments, improvement plan review and writing, data analysis etc etc etc.  I just can't wait for the holidays to begin.  I do know I am still in Year 5 next year, and I have an NQT to look after :) Note to self.... tone down the cynicism (at least to start with !)
I've been busy crafting this weekend, and have made various bits and pieces. I even did some cross stitching at a crop today!  The cross stitch is to go on a page that will be the partner to one I made about Harry a few weeks ago.

Harry had an italian night at the scouts, so he decided to go as Luigi 
(Mario's lesser known brother from the Super Mario brothers).  

Needless to say, many photos were taken, and a friend had the patterns for some of the icons from the game at the crop I was at today. 
I've stitched a few ready to add to the pages. 
Olympics week ahead at school, so we are off timetable.
Whatever you are doing, I hope the sun shines for you.


Jimjams said...

One brilliant costume - that moustache kind of suits him too!

mand said...

Great moustache, and great use of xstitch - my husband calls it cotton pixels :-)

Svjetlana said...

Great costume, well done on your cross stitching