Sunday, 10 February 2013


As we travel through February, and hopefully most of the winter is behind us I find myself looking forward to the spring.
For my 10 on the tenth I thought I would share why spring is my favourite of all the seasons.

1.  The days are getting noticeably longer, I hate leaving for work and returning home in the dark.

2. I love spring flowers, they seem a little less showy than those summer blooms, and as they are long awaited  all the more lovely.

3. Following from 2, it's bluebell season, so pretty, beautiful scent, can't wait!

4. Easter chocolate. There are a few new sweets on the market, currently loving Malteaster bunnies!

 5. Lime green, wall to wall in the late spring.

6. The sun starts to feel warm at last, giving hints of good weather (we hope) to come!

7.  I can leave my coat off some days, and just wear my cardi!

8.  So much easier to take photos when the light is good and I can get out and about.

9.  Wisteria.... I know I said I liked the less showy flowers, but I love this one.  We used to have a glorious plant growing up the front of the house, but had to take it down after a few dry springs caused the clay soil the house is built upon to shrink, and cracks appeared inside.  Sadly, the insurers blamed my beautiful wisteria, and it had to go... I still miss the late April scent on leaving the house.(and no, this isn't my house!)

10. And it's my birthday!!!!

What's your favourite season?
If you want to see more 10 on the tenth posts visit Shimelles blog.

1 comment:

Jimjams said...

Happy Birthday Ann - hope it's a day for being spoiled!

I love the photo set - and that cardi is gorgeous (is it really yours - swoon)!!

Well done for keeping up with 10 on the 10th ... the lists are too long for me ... I'm thinking about starting with 5 on the 5th or # on the 9th to allow for shorter lists!