Wednesday 2 April 2014

New Specs

Every two years I have my eyes tested, and get myself a new pair of glasses.  As I am very short sighted and have to wear them all the time I always pick the pair I really like, ad don't worry about the price; after all, I will have to look at them every day for the next two years in the mirror.

Here are a few pairs from the past... 1980s Deirdre Barlow style

Red with gems at the side
Lime green (loved these)

More green with aluminium sides.

and my newest pair with a 50's retro  feel.

 No pairs between 1980s and early noughties as I was wearing contacts then, interesting to see how the styles have changed  though.

1 comment:

Jimjams said...

I had Dierdre glasses way back then ... quite a relief to see that larger frames are making a bit of a come-back - better for us short sighted people who don't want bottle-bottom-lenses!