Saturday, 7 July 2012

Monsoon Post

When will it ever stop raining?

After the wettest April and June on record in the UK, and a July deluge that would normally last a whole month I find myself wondering whether it will ever stop. And the forecast for tomorrow and Sunday is just as bad.  Come back Summer, all is forgiven; we know we scared you off with talk of drought, but now we want to see the sun, feel the tingle of our skin after forgetting to put sunscreen on, and be able to go out in sandals instead of wellies.

I've had a look at my list of crafty pages I want to upload, but alas none have a summery feel to cheer us on this wet July day.
So here's one with a cool title, that was taken at the end of a hot day in Weymouth, a couple of years ago at sunset. The papers are Graphic 45, journalling stamp is by Unity, and the title is a Sizzix Tim Holtz die cut.

Maybe it will stop raining just in time for the beginning if the school holidays in 18 days time.........we live in hope.

1 comment:

Dannii said...

Love this page. Looks fabulous, beautiful layout x