Tuesday 4 September 2012

September Blues

A commonly malady suffered by most teachers on return to work.

Yes, I'm afraid I'm suffering, and as OFTSED are due this year the SMT are beside themselves, and we minions are really feeling it.  It's at times like this I do feel like jacking in teaching.

Enough moaning, here's a page from more cheery times!

Hannah found this skull (prob a hippo, so my journalling is wrong) at Wollaton Hall natural history museum...

and it made for a perfect photo opportunity!

Papers are Papermania Happy Days along with a variety of letters for the title, I do like to mix it up at times.

Hope your start to autumn/Indian summer is more cheery than mine :)


Kim said...

Great pics Ann

I was back to school today too, only to be told we are due and Ofsted before Christmas, and the head in her wisdom has rung them and invited them early. We don't know if they will accept, but boy oh boy talk about get organised asap.

CoventryAnn said...

Don't you just love Headteachers?!

CoventryAnn said...
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