Wednesday, 24 July 2013

At Last

...the school holidays have begun.  The local authority in their wisdom have again shortened our summer break to less than 6 weeks (and will do so next year too) so we finish mid week, making this first part of the holiday useless for any of us wanting to go away in the UK, where breaks run from Saturday to Saturday.
We spent last evening barbecuing with a good friend and her tiny baby who has just come out of hospital having been born 13 weeks early.  It was so lovely to see them both, and to know we didn't have to get up this morning!
We will be visiting the Nuneaton Wildlife Sanctuary later today as we have been caring for 3 ducklings for the past few days.  We live on very busy main road, and last week the mother and her little ones wandered into our front garden.  Being concerned they might get run over we tempted them into the back garden.The plan was to wait for transport to a local country park and release them next to a large body of water where they probably originated from.

Not everything went to plan however, a cat scared off the mother bird, so we were left with the ducklings.

After a search on the internet we learned how to care for them, and now the holiday has begun we have time to take them to the wildlife sanctuary. I will be sad to see them go, but did manage to get quite a few photos of them.

Expect to see them in a scrapbook page near you soon!

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