Saturday, 27 July 2013

That cold spring..

Remember how bitterly cold it was this spring?  And how it just seemed to go on for ever?  Seems impossible now, looking back as we have sweltered in this mini heat wave.  I even heard an item on my ever favourite Radio 4 in the week comparing this year to 1976 (no comparison btw... yet!)

Here's a page from those cold April days, when we wondered if we would ever be able to take off our cardies! As I was still not well a couple of kind crafty friends from Nuneaton took me to the Book Barn at Astley for a short trip out.

 Full of thousands of used books, and chairs and sofas you can relax on as you peruse and make your choice, perfect if you aren't feeling too energetic!

My favourite thing about the LO? It used loads of old stash (I mean years old!) the die cut papers, title letters are all at least 5 years old, but combined with a newer map paper and a couple of rosettes it brings the page right up to date.

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