Sunday, 15 December 2013

Late night pages.

On Thursday into Friday I had to stay up all night for a medical test the next morning for which I had to be asleep (if that makes any sense!) To keep myself awake I wrapped presents, write cards and got my journal up to date.

Day 11 the theme was Merry, so here are two cheerful teenagers crammed into a sleigh designed for children for a photo opportunity for Mum.

Day 12's theme was paper, so I recorded the midnight wrapping mentioned above.
Out to pick up the last of the Christmas presents this morning, and maybe a spot of lunch.

1 comment:

Jimjams said...

Love your long tall format this year. Well done for keeping up with it and getting so organised for Xmas. Woefully unprepared here :-( can't imagine where the first two weeks of December have actually gone!