Tuesday, 13 June 2017

It Runs in the Family...

...both crafting and blogging I think.  My daughter is an avid knitter and has begun a blog to record her knitting capers.  
Image may contain: indoor

She made a beautiful Game of Thrones blanket last year (the 'eternal project' according to DD); but it is now finished , so she came up with a new never-ending knit.

Knit all the Things!

Her recent idea for a knitting project is to produce small squares of various patterns, and then to add these (along with a little history about the pattern and instructions how to make them) into a scrapbook. The book currently contains 27 knitted swatches, with a few more pending.

DD tells me she has based the idea on four books produced by Barbara G Walker many years ago.  She plans to make as many knitted pattern squares as possible; there are nearly 2000 stitches to include.  So many, she has even made a spreadsheet to track her progress!
My favourite thing about her blog is the inclusion of lots of geeky /science jokes.  As she is studying astrophysics at university, they are totally appropriate.  In fact, her funny asides make me want to include a few more on my blog too.

Take a look at Knitty Gritty blog here;   and if you leave her a comment, she would be delighted!

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