Saturday, 14 December 2013

JYC Catch Up

I have kept up to date with my journal, but not posting it online.  The days are so short and the weather so dreary i couldn't get a decent shot of each page... until this morning!
So, 3 days in one this morning:
Day 8 was about the tree.  Ours wasn't up ( we only put it up last night) so I journalled about collecting it, and the fact that Kev still carries the tree to the car, as Harry looks on.

Day 9 was about treats.  This was perfect for recording a trick the kids payed on their Dad ; I really don't know how he puts up with them all! He hates coconut, so they switched a blue coconut sweet for a pink fudge in the Quality Street box given to us, stood back and watched the reaction on his face.  Poor Kev!

Day 10 was lists.  We added a new kind of present to our Christmas list for family whose kids are grown up, and we want them to know we still have bought gifts... a goat from CAFOD in their name!

More catch up tomorrow if I can edge H off the computer.

1 comment:

Julia Dunnit said...

I really like the notebook style format of your JYC, I don't know if I've ever mentioned it. Am also in awe of your ability to actually just get it done...and I love the memories that you record..the sweetie story, poor Kev!